Delivery drivers across America have a growing problem. Bathrooms. Driving companies don’t think about this need and delivery drivers have come out with a skew of creative solutions to solve the issues for when nature calls (sometimes using diapers). Wazoo is a mobile application for delivery drivers to have access to private / public restroom locations that they are welcome to use during their work day.
There are over 1,305,155 delivery drivers currently employed in the United States. 16.7% of all delivery drivers are women, while 83.3% are men. The average age of an employed delivery driver is 48 years old.
Male 83.3%
Female 16.7%
The most common ethnicity among delivery drivers is White, which makes up 65.7% of all delivery drivers. Comparatively, there are 17.1% of the Hispanic or Latino ethnicity and 11.5% of the Black or African American ethnicity.
White 83.3%
Hispanic or Latino 16.7%
Black or African American 83.3%
Asia 16.7%
The most common foreign language among delivery drivers is Spanish at 70.8%. The second-most popular foreign language spoken is French at 6.7% and German is the third-most popular at 3.8%.
Spanish 70.8%
French 6.7%
German 3.8%
Russian 2.3%
Arabic 2.2%
Other 14.2%
The most common degree for delivery drivers is high school diploma 45% of delivery drivers earn that degree. A close second is bachelor's degree with 21% and rounding it off is associate degree with 18%.
High School Diploma 45%
Bachelor'so 21%
Associate 18%
Diploma 10%
Other Degrees 6%
The highest-paying states for delivery driver are North Dakota ($50,965), Massachusetts ($49,862), Rhode Island ($50,965) and Vermont ($50,965).
North Dakota $50,965
Vermont $50,965
Rhode Island $50,965
Massachusetts 49,862
The majority of delivery drivers are located in California, TX, Florida and NY
California 35.9%
Texas 27.6%
Florida 19.1%
New York 18.4%
We focus on the looks and style of the product. The visual design of the alert app in made clean and pleasing for users